The New Hampshire Broadband Mapping and Planning Program (NHBMPP) is a comprehensive program that seeks to understand where broadband is currently available in NH, how it can be made more widely available in the future, and how to encourage increased levels of broadband adoption and usage.

Planning Program objectives include:
- Engage New Hampshire’s nine Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs) in developing a better understanding of current broadband availability in their region and planning for increased broadband adoption and utilization through outreach, community engagement, and surveying activities.
- Establish advocacy for broadband needs within NH’s regions, municipalities and sector groups.
- Integrate on-going broadband mapping and technical assistance and training efforts into broadband planning activities.
- Engage local communities in better understanding their broadband access options.
- Form Regional Broadband Stakeholder Groups (BSGs), in each region, consisting of stakeholders representing education, health/medical, businesses, public safety, and government services, to review and discuss broadband-related issues.
- In conjunction with BSGs do the following: conduct analysis to determine broadband needs specific to targeted sectors; identify barriers to broadband deployment, e.g. topography, density, regulatory obstacles, etc.; foster collaboration among government officials, business leaders, institutions, and service providers; and develop recommendations for enhancing broadband access, affordability and use.
- Expand the dialogue by sponsoring regional broadband public forums.
- Develop broadband plans for NH’s nine regions and work with UNH and the NH Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning (OEP) to integrate them into a statewide broadband report.